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          Trusted Solutions
          For Your Biggest Challenges

          Built on a tradition of listening to customers, understanding the challenges facing the Catholic church, and developing creative solutions to address those challenges, OSV continues to focus on its central mission: To Serve the Church.

          Offertory Services

          Complete array of solutions that support strengthening the financial health of the parish and the diocese so each community can fulfill their mission

          OSV New Hope Solutions

          OSV New Hope Solutions provide the Church with products to help individuals and communities grow closer to Christ and to their parish in new ways. From fund raising campaigns that are critical to fulfilling our mission, to content that will help individuals deal with added anxiety and change, OSV is prepared to support our customers and help them on their journey to return and renew. We have solutions that can help lead a church to write a new playbook that honors their mission and the communities they serve and makes the most of their organization’s resources— their people, financial capital, and social capital, leaning on relationship and trust.

          Our founding father, Fr. John Noll reminds us “The Catholic religion is a religion of joy.” We need to lead with hope and joy and do whatever we can to bring people back to the Church now more than ever.

          OSV New Hope Solutions is a growing list of products, services, and resources that have been developed and will continue to grow to help fulfill our mission: To Serve the Church.

          Solving your needs

          Digital Solutions

          Designed for today’s parishioner and developed to be simple and effective for the all users, digital solutions use the latest technology to provide more support for our Catholic community.

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          We produce hundreds of books to help individuals grow in their faith, as well as regular periodicals.

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          Printing and Design Services

          Customization for individual needs using state-of-the-art design services and our in-house printing production.

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          Consulting Services

          Parish and diocese staff are tasked with doing more and more. OSV consulting services can alleviate many of the challenges they face and assist with plans that help the parish move forward in many new ways.

          School and Curriculum Programs

          Designed by experts in theology, education, and child psychology, OSV Curriculum engages and educates children in the Faith and creating an encounter with Christ.

          Serving the Church for over a century

          The year was 1912, and Fr. John Francis Noll saw his beloved Catholic church under siege. Anti-Catholic sentiment was rampant in the United States at that time, and many groups were working to spread misinformation about the Church, creating an atmosphere of mistrust and even fear. The young, daring, and resourceful parish priest knew he needed to defend his beloved church. A first step in defending the Faith was the purchase of a printing press in the small town of Huntington, Indiana. The first edition of Our Sunday Visitor, a national weekly Catholic newspaper, came out on May 5, 1912, and began to form and inform millions of Catholics about the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith.

          As Father Noll’s influence grew, he added many products and services to help parishes and dioceses in their missions, and the impact is felt even today. He listened to the needs of those in the Church and developed solutions for those needs. His mission as founder of Our Sunday Visitor was to show Catholics that the best way to renew families, communities, the nation, and the world, was to live the Catholic Faith.

          We’ve seen significant growth, and I think OSV and their support and their willingness to be available has made an impact, that made all the difference in the world, because that made it easy for us in the long run.
          Fr. Jason Trull
          Every Catholic should be an apostle, representing His Church creditably before his neighbors and the people among whom he works.
          Archbishop Noll
          As public Masses start to resume throughout the nation, here are some tips on how to return to Mass safelyRead Now
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